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Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm

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The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm [1], named after David Deutsch and Richard Jozsa, is one of the first fundamental quantum algorithms showing exponential speedup over its classical counterpart\(^*\). While it has no practical applicative use, it serves as a toy model for quantum computing, demonstrating how the concepts of superposition and interference enable quantum algorithms to outperform classical ones.

The algorithm treats the following problem:

  • Input: A black box Boolean function \(f(x)\) that acts on the integers in the range \([0, 2^{n}-1]\).

  • Promise: The function is either constant or balanced (for half of the values it is 1 and for the other half it is 0).

  • Output: Whether the function is constant or balanced.

\(^*\) The exponential speedup is in the oracle complexity setting. It only refers to deterministic classical machines.

Problem hardness: If we require a deterministic answer to the problem, classically, we have to inquire of the oracle \(2^{n-1}+1\) times in the worst case. The quantum approach requires a single query, thus, introducing a clear exponential speedup. (Without requiring deterministic determination, namely, allowing application of the classical probabilistic algorithm to get the result up to some error, then the exponential speedup is lost: taking \(k\) classical evaluations of the function \(f\) determines whether the function is constant or balanced, with a probability of \(1-1/2^k\)).

We define the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, which has a quantum part and a classical postprocess part. Then, we run the algorithm on two different examples, one with a simple \(f(x)\) and another that is more complex. A mathematical explanation of the algorithm is provided at the end of this notebook.

Figure 1. The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm

How to Build the Algorithm with Classiq

We define a deutsch_jozsa quantum function whose arguments are a quantum function for the black box \(f(x)\), and a quantum variable on which it acts, \(x\). The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm comprising three quantum blocks (see Figure 1): a Hadamard transform, an arithmetic oracle for the black box function, and another Hadamard transform.

The Quantum Part

from classiq import *

def prep_minus(out: Output[QBit]) -> None:
    allocate(1, out)

def my_oracle(predicate: QCallable[QNum, QBit], target: QNum) -> None:
    aux = QBit("aux")
    within_apply(within=lambda: prep_minus(aux), apply=lambda: predicate(target, aux))

def deutsch_jozsa(predicate: QCallable[QNum, QBit], x: QNum) -> None:
    my_oracle(predicate=lambda x, y: predicate(x, y), target=x)

The Classical Postprocess

The classical part of the algorithm reads: The probability of measuring the \(|0\rangle_n\) state is 1 if the function is constant and 0 if it is balanced. We define a classical function that gets the execution results from running the quantum part and returns whether the function is constant or balanced:

def post_process_deutsch_jozsa(parsed_results):
    if len(parsed_results) == 1:
        if 0 not in parsed_results:
            print("The function is balanced")
            print("The function is constant")
            "cannot decide as more than one output was measured, the distribution is:",

Example: Simple Arithmetic Oracle

We start with a simple example on \(n=4\) qubits, and \(f(x)= x >7\). Classically, in the worst case, the function should be evaluated \(2^{n-1}+1=9\) times. However, with the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, this function is evaluated only once.

We build a predicate for this specific use case:

def simple_predicate(x: QNum, res: QBit) -> None:
    res ^= x > 7

Next, we define a model by inserting the predicate into the deutsch_jozsa function:


def main(x: Output[QNum]):
    allocate(NUM_QUBITS, x)
    deutsch_jozsa(lambda x, y: simple_predicate(x, y), x)

qmod = create_model(main, out_file="simple_deutsch_jozsa")
qprog = synthesize(qmod)

Finally, we execute and call the classical postprocess:

result = execute(qprog).result_value()
results_list = [sample.state["x"] for sample in result.parsed_counts]
The function is balanced

Example: Complex Arithmetic Oracle

Generalizing to more complex scenarios makes no difference for modeling. Let us take a complicated function, working with \(n=3\): a function \(f(x)\) that first takes the maximum between the input bitwise-xor with 4 and the input bitwise-and with 3, then checks whether the result is greater or equal to 4. Can you tell whether the function is balanced or constant?

This time we provide a width bound to the synthesis engine.

We follow the three steps as before:

from classiq.qmod.symbolic import max


def complex_predicate(x: QNum, res: QBit) -> None:
    res ^= max(x ^ 4, x & 3) >= 4

def main(x: Output[QNum]):
    allocate(NUM_QUBITS, x)
    deutsch_jozsa(lambda x, y: complex_predicate(x, y), x)

qmod = create_model(main, out_file="complex_deutsch_jozsa")
qmod = set_constraints(qmod, constraints=Constraints(max_width=19))
qprog = synthesize(qmod)

result = execute(qprog).result_value()
results_list = [sample.state["x"] for sample in result.parsed_counts]
The function is balanced

Figure 2. The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm for the complex example, focusing on oracle implementation

We can visualize the circuit obtained from the synthesis engine. Figure 2 presents the complex structure of the oracle, generated automatically by the synthesis engine.


Technical Notes

A brief summary of the linear algebra behind the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. The first Hadamard transformation generates an equal superposition over all the standard basis elements:

\[|0\rangle_n \xrightarrow[H^{\otimes n}]{} \frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{j=0}|j\rangle_n.\]

The arithmetic oracle gets a Boolean function and adds an \(e^{\pi i}=-1\) phase to all states for which the function returns true:

\[\frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{j=0}|j\rangle_n \xrightarrow[\text{Oracle}(f(j))]{}\frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{j=0}(-1)^{f(j)}|j\rangle_n.\]

Finally, applying the Hadamard transform, which can be written as $H^{\otimes n}\equiv \frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{k,l=0}(-1)^{k\cdot l} |k\rangle \langle l| $, gives

\[\frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{j=0}(-1)^{f(j)}|j\rangle \xrightarrow[H^{\otimes n}]{} \sum^{2^n-1}_{k=0} \left(\frac{1}{2^{n}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{j=0}(-1)^{f(j)+j\cdot k} \right) |k\rangle.\]

The probability of getting the state \(|k\rangle = |0\rangle\) is

\[P(0)=\left|\frac{1}{2^{n}}\sum^{2^n-1}_{j=0}(-1)^{f(j)} \right|^2 = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} 1 & \text{if } f(x) \text{ is constant} \\ 0 & \text{if } f(x) \text{ is balanced.} \end{array} \right.\]


[1]: Deutsch Jozsa (Wikipedia)