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Classiq 101

Welcome to Classiq 101!

This is the place to get started with Classiq. This page guides you through the process from not using Classiq to knowing all its fundamentals.

Structure of this Classiq 101 guide:

  1. Registration & Installation - where and how to register to Classiq, and what you need to install [<5 minutes]

  2. Hello Many Worlds - the many ways to run your first quantum algorithm with Classiq [5-10 minutes]

Then, there are two ways to progress:

  • Classiq Concepts - the core concepts of Classiq, from the Qmod language through the synthesis engine and the execution, using examples of well-known quantum algorithms and building blocks.

  • Quantum Primitives with Classiq - fundamental building blocks of quantum algorithms using Classiq, starting with simple building blocks such as 'Creating Superposition (Hadamard Transform)' and 'Creating Entanglement (No Cloning Theorem)', and progressing to more advanced building blocks such as 'Phase Kickback' and 'Linear Combination of Unitaries'.

You can choose one way to learn or go back and forth between the two. Links conveniently connect the relevant topics in each chapter. Additional options:

Enjoy :)