Getting started with quantum program synthesis
The first steps in quantum program synthesis are defining the algorithms, its constraints, and your preferences. These are described in detail in the following sections.
Once your model is fully defined, it's time to synthesize it.
In the IDE, describe the model in the model page.
After writing down the model, hit the synthesize
button on the bottom right of the page.
After the synthesis is done, you will automatically be redirected to the quantum program page.
The synthesis process is initiated by performing the synthesize
method on a model. Alternatively, the async
method synthesize_async
can be used as part of an async code.
from classiq import Output, QBit, allocate, create_model, synthesize
from classiq.qmod.quantum_function import QFunc
def main(res: Output[QBit]) -> None:
allocate(1, res)
model = create_model(main)
qprog = synthesize(model)