The multiplication operation, denoted '\(*\)', is a series of additions ("long multiplication"). The multiplier has different implementations, depending on the type of adder in use.
Note that integer and fixed-point numbers are represented in a two-complement method during function evaluation. The binary number is extended in the case of a register size mismatch. For example, the positive signed number \((110)_2=6\) is expressed as \((00110)_2\) when working with a five-qubit register. Similarly, the negative signed number \((110)_2=-2\) is expressed as \((11110)_2\).
The calculation of -5 * 3 = -15.
The left arg -5 is represented as 1011 and 3 as 11. The number of digits needed to store the answer is 4+2-1 = 5. The multiplication is done in the 'regular' manner where each number is extended to five bits and only five digits are kept in the intermediary results.
Example 1: Two Quantum Variables Multiplication
This code example generates a quantum program that multiplies two arguments. Both of them are defined as quantum variables of size 3.
from classiq import *
def main(a: Output[QNum], b: Output[QNum], res: Output[QNum]) -> None:
a |= 4
b |= 5
res |= a * b
qmod = create_model(main, out_file="multiplication_2vars_example")
qprog = synthesize(qmod)
result = execute(qprog).result_value()
[{'a': 4.0, 'b': 5.0, 'res': 20.0}: 1000]
Example 2: Float and Quantum Variable Multiplication
This code example generates a quantum program that multiplies two arguments. Here, the left argument is a fixed-point number \((11.1)_2\) (3.5), and the right argument is a quantum variable of size 2.
def main(a: Output[QNum], res: Output[QNum]) -> None:
allocate(2, a)
res |= 3.5 * a
qmod = create_model(main, out_file="multiplication_float_example")
qprog = synthesize(qmod)
result = execute(qprog).result_value()
[{'a': 2.0, 'res': 7.0}: 287,
{'a': 3.0, 'res': 10.5}: 257,
{'a': 1.0, 'res': 3.5}: 230,
{'a': 0.0, 'res': 0.0}: 226]