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The Quantum Singlar Value Transformation (QSVT) [1] is an algorithmic framework, used to apply polynomial transformation on the singular values of a block encoded matrix. It has wide range of applications such as matrix inversion, amplitude amplification and hamiltonian simulation.

Given a unitary \(U\), a list of phase angles \(\phi_1, \phi_2, ..., \phi_{d+1}\) and 2 projector-controlled-not operands \(C_{\Pi}NOT,C_{\tilde{\Pi}}NOT\) , the QSVT sequence is as follows:

\[\tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{d+1}}U \prod_{k=1}^{(d-1)/2} (\Pi_{\phi_{d-2k}} U^{\dagger}\tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{d - (2k+1)}}U)\Pi_{\phi_{1}}\]

for odd \(d\), and:

\[\prod_{k=1}^{d/2} (\Pi_{\phi_{d-(2k-1)}} U^{\dagger}\tilde{\Pi}_{\phi_{d-2k}}U)\Pi_{\phi_{1}}\]

for even \(d\).

Each of the projector-controlled-phase unitaries \(\Pi\) consists of a \(Z\) rotation of an auxilliary qubit wrapped by the \(C_{\Pi}NOT\)s, NOTing the auxilliary qubit:

\[\Pi_{\phi} = (C_{\Pi}NOT) e^{-i\frac{\phi}{2}Z}(C_{\Pi}NOT)\]

The transformation will result with a polynomial of order \(d\).

Function: qsvt


  • phase_seq: CArray[CReal] - a \(d+1\) sized sequence of phase angles.

  • proj_cnot_1: QCallable[QArray[QBit], QBit] - projector-controlled-not unitary that locates the encoded matrix columns within \(U\). Accepts quantum variable of the size of qvar, and a qubit that is set to \(|1\rangle\) when the state is in the block.

  • proj_cnot_2: QCallable[QArray[QBit], QBit] - projector-controlled-not unitary that locates the encoded matrix rows within \(U\). Accepts quantum variable of the size of qvar, and a qubit that is set to \(|1\rangle\) when the state is in the block.

  • u: QCallable[QArray[QBit]] - \(U\) a block encoding unitary of a matrix \(A\), such that \(A = \tilde{\Pi}U\Pi\).

  • qvar: QArray[QBit] - the quantum variable on which \(U\) applies, which resides in the entire block encoding space.

  • aux: QBit - a zero auxilliary qubit, used for the projector-controlled-phase rotations. Given as an input so that qsvt can be used as a building-block in a larger algorithm.

Example: polynomial transformation on a \(\sqrt(x)\) block encoding

The following example implements a random polynomial transformation on a given block, based on [2]. The unitary \(U\) here is a square-root transformation: \(U|x\rangle_n|0\rangle_{n+1} = |x\rangle_n(\sqrt{x}|\psi_0\rangle_{n}|0\rangle + \sqrt{1-x}|\psi_1\rangle_{n}|1\rangle)\) where \(x\) is a fixed-point variable in the range \([0, 1)\).

The example samples a random odd-polynomial, calculates the necessary phase sequence using the package pyqsp, then applies the qsvt and verifies the results.

There are 2 distinct projector-controlled-not unitaries - one is applying on the entire \((n+1)\) variable, and the second is on the 1-qubits auxilliary in the image.

from typing import Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial

# The following code assumes pyqsp version 0.1.6
# !pip install pyqsp==0.1.6
from pyqsp.angle_sequence import QuantumSignalProcessingPhases

from classiq import *
from classiq.execution import ClassiqBackendPreferences, ExecutionPreferences

def projector_cnot(reg: QNum, aux: QBit) -> None:
    control(reg == 0, lambda: X(aux))

def u_sqrt(a: QNum, ref: QNum, res: QBit) -> None:
    res ^= a <= ref

def qsvt_sqrt_polynomial(
    qsvt_phases: CArray[CReal], state: QNum, ref: QNum, ind: QBit, qsvt_aux: QBit
) -> None:
    full_reg = QArray[QBit]("full_reg")
    bind([ind, ref, state], full_reg)

        lambda reg_, aux_: projector_cnot(reg_[0 : NUM_QUBITS + 1], aux_),  # ind+ref
        lambda reg_, aux_: projector_cnot(reg_[0], aux_),  # ind
        lambda reg_: u_sqrt(
            reg_[1 + NUM_QUBITS : reg_.len], reg_[1 : 1 + NUM_QUBITS], reg_[0]
    bind(full_reg, [ind, ref, state])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def sample_random_polynomial(degree):
    # Generate random coefficients
    coefficients = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, degree + 1)
    # take care for parity
    coefficients[int(degree + 1) % 2 :: 2] = 0

    # Create the polynomial
    p = Polynomial(coefficients)
    # Evaluate the polynomial over the interval [-1, 1]
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 500)
    y = p(x)

    # Normalize the polynomial
    poly = p / np.max(np.abs(y))
    return poly

def adjust_qsvt_convetions(phases: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    phases = np.array(phases)
    # change the R(x) to W(x), as the phases are in the W(x) conventions
    phases = phases - np.pi / 2
    phases[0] = phases[0] + np.pi / 4
    phases[-1] = phases[-1] + np.pi / 2 + (2 * DEGREE - 1) * np.pi / 4

    # verify conventions. minus is due to exp(-i*phi*z) in qsvt in comparison to qsp
    return -2 * phases

def compute_qsvt_phases(poly):
    phases = QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(
        poly, signal_operator="Wx", method="laurent", measurement="x"
    return adjust_qsvt_convetions(phases).tolist()

def parse_qsvt_results(result) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    parsed_state_vector = result.parsed_state_vector

    d: Dict = {x: [] for x in range(2**NUM_QUBITS)}
    for parsed_state in parsed_state_vector:
        if (
            parsed_state["qsvt_aux"] == 0
            and parsed_state["ind"] == 0
            and np.linalg.norm(parsed_state.amplitude) > 1e-15
            and (DEGREE % 2 == 1 or parsed_state["ref"] == 0)
    d = {k: np.linalg.norm(v) for k, v in d.items()}
    values = [d[i] for i in range(len(d))]

    x = np.sqrt(np.linspace(0, 1 - 1 / (2**NUM_QUBITS), 2**NUM_QUBITS))

    measured_poly_values = np.sqrt(2**NUM_QUBITS) * np.array(values)
    target_poly_values = np.abs(POLY(x))

    plt.scatter(x, measured_poly_values, label="measured", c="g")
    plt.plot(x, target_poly_values, label="target")

    return measured_poly_values, target_poly_values


# choosing in purpose odd polynomial
POLY = sample_random_polynomial(DEGREE)
QSVT_PHASES = compute_qsvt_phases(POLY)
0.0 + 0.57226496·x + 0.0·x² - 0.5134161·x³ + 0.0·x⁴ - 1.05884886·x⁵
def main(
    state: Output[QNum],
    ref: Output[QNum],
    ind: Output[QBit],
    qsvt_aux: Output[QBit],
) -> None:
    allocate(NUM_QUBITS, state)
    allocate(NUM_QUBITS, ref)
    allocate(1, ind)
    allocate(1, qsvt_aux)

    qsvt_sqrt_polynomial(QSVT_PHASES, state, ref, ind, qsvt_aux)

qmod = create_model(
qprog = synthesize(qmod)
result = execute(qprog).result_value()

measured, target = parse_qsvt_results(result)
assert np.allclose(measured, target, atol=0.02)



[1]: András Gilyén, Yuan Su, Guang Hao Low, and Nathan Wiebe. 2019. Quantum singular value transformation and beyond: exponential improvements for quantum matrix arithmetics. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2019). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 193–204

[2]: Stamatopoulos, Nikitas, and William J. Zeng. "Derivative pricing using quantum signal processing." arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.14310 (2023).