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Execution on Azure Quantum Cloud

The Classiq executor supports execution on Azure Quantum cloud simulators and hardware.


Backends may sometimes be unavailable. Check the availability windows with Azure Quantum.


Possible modes of operation:

  • Running through Classiq-Azure integration. In this mode you do not need to provide credentials or location.
  • Executing on your private Azure Quantum Workspace by providing credentials. For more details, see Executing on Your Quantum Workspace.
from classiq.execution import (

# Running through Classiq-Azure integration:
preferences = AzureBackendPreferences(
    backend_name="Name of requsted simulator or hardware",

# Running through a private Azure account:
cred = AzureCredential(
    tenant_id="Azure Tenant ID (from Azure Active Directory)",
    client_id="Azure Application (client) ID",
    client_secret="Azure Client Secret",
    resource_id="Azure Quantum Workspace Resource ID",

preferences = AzureBackendPreferences(
    backend_name="Name of requsted simulator or hardware",
    location="Azure region of Quantum Workspace",

Opening info tab

For academic users, backends run through Classiq-Azure integration by default. To override this configuration, switch on "Run with my own credentials" in the backends summary section on the Execution page:

Config run with own credentials

Executing on Your Quantum Workspace

Execution on your private Azure Quantum Workspace requires an Azure account with an active subscription. To authenticate, provide these details:

  • Resource ID: Azure Quantum Workspace resource ID.
  • Location: Azure region of the Quantum Workspace.
  • Tenant ID: Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
  • Client ID: Azure client ID of a registered application.
  • Client secret: Azure client secret of a registered application.

Following is a brief description of the steps to configure and acquire these details:

  1. Create an Azure Quantum Workspace (see Azure documentation). In the workspace overview are the Location and Resource ID.

  2. Register a new application in Azure, including creating a client secret (see Azure documentation). At the end of this step are the settings for Client ID, Client secret, and Tenant ID.

  3. Assign the Contributor role to the registered application on the Quantum Workspace or a resource group containing the Quantum Workspace (see Azure documentation).

  4. Add the Jobs.ReadWrite permission (under Azure Quantum) to the application (see Azure documentation).