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Solver Customization

The execution_parameters input to the construct_chemistry_model function details the parameters of the VQE optimization scheme.

The ChemistryExecutionParameters class consists of these parameters:

  1. name: OptimizerType – Classical optimization algorithms: COBYLA, SPSA, ADAM, L_BFGS_B, NELDER_MEAD, SLSQP.
  2. max_iteration: int – Maximal number of optimizer iterations.
  3. initial_point: Optional[np.ndarray] – Initial values for the ansatz parameters.
  4. tolerance: float – Final accuracy of the optimization.
  5. step_size: float – Step size for numerically calculating the gradient in L_BFGS_B and ADAM optimizers.
  6. skip_compute_variance: bool – If True, the optimizer does not compute the variance of the ansatz.


from classiq.applications.chemistry import ChemistryExecutionParameters
from classiq.execution import OptimizerType

execution_params = ChemistryExecutionParameters(